Kamal Farah, an Irish National, is the Director of Desert Board located in KIZAD, Abu Dhabi, and
graduated in MSc Civil Engineering (2003) at the University of Bristol, UK. Kamal also completed
an on-site project engineering role with Mowlem before returning to the UAE. Kamal then
developed on-site civil and project engineering experience and worked with ECC in the
contractual, tendering, and plant departments.
In his current role, Kamal is responsible for the company’s overall growth and performance,
developing Desert Board’s company mission to be the world’s first Palm Fronds Oriented Strand
Board and be the preferred manufacturer of OSB boards and its derivatives that partners in
sustainable nation building, engage with its community and cares for all stakeholders.
With over 56,000 square meters of innovations, the Desert Board plant can produce 2.2 million
boards per year using only 15% of the abounded 500,000 tons of the UAE waste wooden
materials destined for landfills or composted, which would take a long time to biodegrade.
Desert Board is a part of the Engineering Contracting Company Group, a well-established group
and one of the leading brands that have been present in the United Arab Emirates since 1975.
The companies under the umbrella of the ECC group were set up with a vision to provide a
vertical solution for all construction-related services; at Desert Board, quality is not just a
product-centric goal but an Omni-organizational goal.
Kamal Farah is also the director of Abanos Interior Fit-Out & Joinery, one of the largest and most
reliable interior fit-out and joinery companies in the country. And as one of the board members
of the Engineering Contracting Company Group (ECC Group), he is responsible for overseeing
the performance of various divisions of the ECC Group.